Some of the most interesting roles I had during my consulting career were when I took on cross-functional roles that fell into the category of extra duties as assigned…
The day I was promoted to an executive role, two of my mentors took me out to lunch..
It’s the time of year when lazy leadership starts to surface. We are in Q4, and people are realizing targets may be missed….
“Right now, I will take any client; I just need revenue.” I have heard this many times from new business owners, and it always makes me cringe…
If you are frustrated with an employee, boss, or friend, try to (temporarily) remove the emotion and figure out why you care. What is the real impact? When we are mad or frustrated,…
I frequently get asked when is the right time to engage. I wanted to offer a model that I often described but recently codified. The Continuum goes from left to right…
This morning, I had a great conversation about the balance of flexibility and the benefits of getting to know people in person…
I often hear leaders talk about how their mistakes led to failures that taught them the lessons they needed to achieve success…
I frequently get asked when is the right time to engage. I wanted to offer a model that I often described but recently codified. The Continuum goes from left to right…
When looking for a new role, the hardest part of the whole process can be that you are not in control. You cannot control what your potential employer…
I worked for many people when I was part of big corporations. I learned something from every one of them. Unfortunately, in a rare few cases,…
We all find ourselves frustrated with people. Frequently, that frustration is built to the point that we want to take action. We may want to fire off that nasty email, yell at them,
If you feel like you have a time management problem, you likely have a problem with a lack of clarity with your goals….
Odds are, if you are reading this post, you are in a never-done job. Most professional jobs fall into this category. I am sorry to say …
In coaching, we always like to have goals. However, achieving success comes through countless small steps. Sometimes, we can get so focused on these small..
“That was really great, wasn’t it? ” (Speaker) – They weren’t – nothing new.
“What do you love most about that?”
I caught up with a friend recently, and he said this to me, and it struck a nerve. I love to brainstorm and come up with ideas…
With Memorial Day behind us, kids out of school, and days longer, summer is clearly here. Part of how I know summer has started is the higher frequency of..
Why do you work? I joined fellow career coach Maryann Lombardi to discuss its importance.
Here is the link to the full conversation.
I was recently reminded how hard it can be to manage young professionals. This can be especially challenging for those of us who have been in the workforce…
In my last post, I mentioned creating a vision of what your retirement might look like. Like any change to happen, you need the vision (Check), the first steps, and…
Last week, I caught up with a long-term friend. He indicated he’d enjoyed reading my posts on LinkedIn, but he was waitin… for me to post something…
I was at a networking meeting this morning. One of the discussion topics was, would you rather have 4-day work weeks or 4 weeks off…
If you want your important (but non-urgent) message to be ignored, send it on Friday afternoon. If you really want it to be ignored..
hen running consulting practices, I never asked someone why they were leaving; I would ask why they accepted the first phone call from a recruiter…
I often discuss the value of having the ideal role. When we are in a role we love, we find it energizing. Four things need to happen to find your ideal role….
Often, when I first connect with people who are considering a career transition, they talk about how unhappy they are in their current role…
I am always chatting with folks about the challenges of never-done jobs. I have yet to use that phrase.. with someone and not have them nod.
An HR/Coach friend of mine works at a firm going through a major restructuring. She was marveling at the number of leaders…
As someone who focuses on executive career management, I have often asked people when they were happiest at work…
Several times in the last week I’ve had the opportunity to meet people in person. In one case I met with a client in person for the first time…
Professional service firms thrive on growth and struggle when stagnating. This growth creates new experiences for the team members (employees) allowing…
Why is this such a hard question? I was having a conversation with someone who had gone through some pretty dramatic career…
Barnacles are sessile, meaning they can’t move. They attached themselves to one thing and live there for life. The first time I heard this was from…
It seems like a simple question, but a deep dive can be really insightful. The most common answer I get is…
Most people I know in professional services work best with deadlines. It reminds me of something my…
We have all heard someone say, “You need to take control of your career.” This, like so many industry phrases…
Many leaders complain that younger generations don’t want to work as hard as they do (or did.)
As leaders, we need to work on building future leaders, so we are replaceable, but does our team want to replace us?
If successful leaders need to be building towards being replaceable, how can they start?
Professional service firms thrive on growth and struggle when stagnating.
I had breakfast with a mentor last week. When we get together one story always flashes back to me.
There is a communication model that I love. It goes like this: First, there is what we want to communicate; Second,…
When communicating a change helping people understand all three is a way to create understanding avoid creating…
I was recently speaking to a startup business owner who I just met. He was working 80 hours a week and…
I frequently use the phrase never done careers when talking with those in professional services.
This weekend I got a text in response to one of my posts where I encouraged leaders to not just tell but to…
My son’s former soccer coach used scream this at the boys when they were playing. The irony was not lost on the parents.
I got a call from a colleague yesterday. I could hear the stress in his voice when we first connected….
I’ve been talking to several executives who are considering career transitions. There are a few common themes…
Last week, I wrote about that just because you can do anything doesn’t mean you should.
We often taught from an early age we can do anything we put our mind to. For many good reasons…
The last couple of days have made me think about time slightly differently. As a person in a never done career, I live by my calendar.
Recently, I took a training course that focused on mental fitness. One of the sage techniques I learned was when something didn’t…
[I am nowhere near 75.] As some of you know we go skiing over the holidays each year.
We now have a new driver in the house. My 16-year-old son got his license last month.
I have never really made new year’s resolutions. It’s not that I hate them, I just don’t find them inspiring.
I did something yesterday; I haven’t done in a long time. It was supposed to be my last day of work for the year…
Theme #2 from last weeks goal discussion: “I want to find better work balance and spend more time with my family.”
I just got of a great ProVisor networking group call hosted by Ginny Cascio Bonifacino and we were talking about…
Even though they constantly introduce themselves, many people I talk to are not comfortable with it.
Over my career I have worked for countless bosses, I have learned something from each boss.
When was the last time you went to a meeting alone? If you are in a professional services role every time…
When I start working with a new client, I almost always start with this question. So far, every person has been…
When I was younger, my father talked about loving to sail. He always placed sailing in a sailboat as superior to motoring ins speed boats.
One of many Ted Lasso quotes I love. I recently have had the opportunity to catch up with a number of people who…
I was connecting with a long time friend the other day and he was complaining about how it had made clear to…
We both know that’s not going to happen. Reframe it, I want to write my goals for next year.
Not really, but it happened this week, the first person mentioned waiting to do something until the new year. The logic, we are almost…
I frequently think ‘should’ is the enemy of actions. Several times in the last couple days of coaching, I have heard the word…
There’s a model I use to get unstuck. What I love about it is that it doesn’t really matter if it’s a big or small problem, short-term or long-term…
When you are in a never done career, it wears on you, and you can begin to feel like you are never going to catch up.
I’ve heard this said countless times and probably said it myself a number of times as well. However, I do think hope has a role to play in strategy.
I have a challenge for you today. If your life is at all like mine, people frequently come to you with complaints…
I was doing some pro bono coaching yesterday and during the session the woman I was coaching asked,
The value of goals in a never done career. Figuring out your professional goals is a challenge and may…
Ending the Never Done Cycle. If we aren’t going to feel trapped in a never done career, we need to be selective in what we say yes to.
It all starts with values. I had what I thought was going to be today’s post entirely written when I realized…
One root cause is this little piece of advice. “Find a way to say yes.” A piece of advice that was shared with many of us early on in our professional…
Eric’s leadership roles have always involved coaching and mentoring his team. He believes the best leaders focus on creating future leaders. Some of his proudest moments have been seeing those he’s coached accomplish amazing things.